Melissa & Joey (2010 — 2015) TV show

About this TV show
Это комедия о Мелиссе, женщине-политике, которая становится опекуншей своих племянников, когда ее сестра попадает в тюрьму. Но она одна не в состоянии справиться со своей работой и воспитанием детей, и поэтому она решает найти няню. Джоуи – бывший работник мужа ее сестры, которого тот оставил без средств к существованию, теперь так отчаянно нуждается в работе, что принимает предложение Мелиссы стать няней ее племянникам...
Will there be season 5 of “Melissa & Joey”?
No, the last season was the final one. Current TV show status — finished/canceled.
The TV show consists of 4 seasons (104 episodes in total).

season 4
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
4.01 |
Witch Came First
4.02 |
A Melanie & Josiah Christmas
4.03 |
The Honeymooners
4.04 |
The Day After
4.05 |
Let's Get It Started
4.06 |
Failure to Communicate
4.07 |
Thanks But No Thanks
4.08 |
Face the Music
4.09 |
Being There
4.10 |
Parental Guidance
4.11 |
Gone Girl
4.12 |
You Say You Want an Ovulation
4.13 |
Call of Duty
4.14 |
You Little Devil
4.15 |
The Book Club
4.16 |
The Early Shift
4.17 |
The Parent Trap
4.18 |
Melissa & Joey's Frozen
4.19 |
Put a Ring on It
4.20 |
Game Night
4.21 |
Be the Bigger Person
4.22 |
Double Happiness

season 3
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
3.01 |
Works for Me
3.02 |
Toxic Parents
3.03 |
Inside Job
3.04 |
Can't Hardly Wait
3.05 |
Oh, Brother
3.06 |
The Truth Hurts
3.07 |
The Unkindest Cut
3.08 |
The Unfriending
3.09 |
Something Happened
3.10 |
Good Morning Toledo
3.11 |
Fast Times
3.12 |
Bad Influence
3.13 |
Teach Your Children
3.14 |
What Happens in Jersey (Part 1)
3.15 |
What Happens in Jersey (Part 2)
3.16 |
A New Kind of Christmas
3.17 |
A Decent Proposal
3.18 |
Independence Day
3.19 |
The New Deal
3.20 |
Feel the Burn
3.21 |
Plus One
3.22 |
House Broken
3.23 |
Couples Therapy
3.24 |
To Tell The Truth
3.25 |
My Roof My Rules
3.26 |
The Chaperones
3.27 |
I'll Cut You
3.28 |
Catch & Release
3.29 |
Born to Run
3.30 |
More Than Roommates
3.31 |
Accidents Will Happen
3.32 |
Right Place Right Time
3.33 |
Don't Look Back in Anger
3.34 |
3.35 |
You're the One That I Want
3.36 |
Maybe I'm Amazed
3.37 |
At Last

season 2
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
2.01 |
I Can Manage
2.02 |
If You Can't Stand the Heat
2.03 |
Good to Go
2.04 |
All Up in My Business
2.05 |
The Knockout
2.06 |
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
2.07 |
Mixed Doubles
2.08 |
The Donor
2.09 |
Eat, Pray, Date
2.10 |
Pretty Big Liars
2.11 |
A Pair of Sneakers
2.12 |
Mother of All Problems
2.13 |
Wherefore Art Lennox
2.14 |
From Russia with Love
2.15 |
Mel Marries Joe

season 1
Marked as watched:
# | Episode title | Date | Actions |
1.01 |
1.02 |
Moving On
1.03 |
Nanny Love
1.04 |
Boy Toys 'R' Us
1.05 |
The Perfect Storm
1.06 |
Spies & Lies
1.07 |
Up Close & Personal
1.08 |
Dancing With the Stars of Toledo
1.09 |
Seoul Man
1.10 |
In Lennox We Trust
1.11 |
A Fright in the Attic
1.12 |
Joe Knows
1.13 |
Enemies with Benefits
1.14 |
Don't Train on My Parade
1.15 |
Lost in Translation
1.16 |
Joe Versus the Reunion
1.17 |
Toledo's Next Top Model
1.18 |
The Mel Word
1.19 |
Auction Hero
1.20 |
Waiting for Mr. Right
1.21 |
Young Love
1.22 |
Mel & Joe's Anniversary
1.23 |
Going the Distance?
1.24 |
All Politics is Local
1.25 |
The Other Longo
1.26 |
Teacher / Teacher
1.27 |
Play Ball
1.28 |
A House Divided
1.29 |
Do As I Say, Not As I Did
1.30 |
The Settlement